Former Ghana Official Sam P. Yalley Wants Gay People Charged With Genocide

By On Top Magazine Staff Published: September 01, 2011 Sam Pee Yalley, former deputy minister under Ghana's Jerry Rawlings administration, has called for gay people to be charged with genocide. In an interview broadcast Wednesday on Citi FM's Eyewitness News, Yalley denied Attorney General Martin Amidu's recent claim that sex between consenting adults of the same gender in the privacy of their own home is not illegal in the African nation. “There is another section of the criminal code which people are not taking a look at, it is about genocide,” said Yalley, a public interest lawyer. “Genocide results in the extermination of the human race and if you expand the meaning of homosexuality to mean that a man cannot have a child with another man, then it means that [the] practice would lead to the extermination of mankind and therefore for me if I am to charge anybody apart from having unnatural carnal knowledge, I would also charge him with genocide and see how he can get out ...