FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: STATEMENT FROM THE COALITION AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA, BIPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA IN GHANA The president’s assertion at the recent Aljazeera interview, that it will take a change in public opinion caused by advocacy to bring about decriminalization of homosexuality in Ghanaian laws proved he was realistic and honest about the topic. He recognized that the issue cannot be dodged forever and at the same time invites for a conversation to be had, even if it would be in the long run. Although the coalition agrees with that assertion, we are of the view that the advocacy must go on now. We therefore invite for a fair and honest national conversation where all stakeholders are brought on board, where all views are respected and not bullied into silence and where divisive propaganda politics are not used to score political points. This is a topic about the humanity and dignity of a Ghanaian whose sexual orientation falls in the minority and do not therefore deserv...
Showing posts from November 30, 2017