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Man Wed Man In Kumasi

It has become apparent that homosexuality is gaining grounds in Ghana as a man who attempted to get married to another man at Suame, a suburb of Kumasi, has found his name on the police wanted list, says reports reaching NEWS-ONE. Alex Kojo Asante, a 47-year-old mechanic and auto spare parts dealer, is said to have attempted to marry his male lover, an accountant by name Steven Mensah. Alex and Stephen are however said to have jumped bail and fled town before the court case could start. A police source told NEWS-ONE that Steven was believed to be hiding in South Africa where the mother was born, while Asante was said to have left for Europe to seek a greener pastures. Investigations by this reporter suggested that Asante usually dressed like a woman when he was much younger, and at a point wanted to undergo a gender surgical operation which the family failed to support. The source said Alex has been wanted for homosexual activities as far back as the year 2000. Meanwhile, the police ha...