Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Many of you are familiar with these words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, an incredible man of faith revered the world over.
“Hate has no place in the house of God. No one should be
excluded from our love, our compassion or our concern because
of race or gender, faith or ethnicity - or because of their sexual
orientation. Nor should anyone be excluded from health care on
any of these grounds…. We knew (apartheid) was wrong… the
world supported us in our struggle for freedom and dignity. It is time
to stand up against another wrong. Gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgendered people are… part of the human family… part of
God's family… part of the African family. But a wave of hate is
spreading across my beloved continent. People are again being
denied their fundamental rights and freedoms…. Our lesbian and
gay brothers and sisters across Africa are living in fear. And they
are living in hiding -- away from care, away from the protection
the state should offer to every citizen and away from health care
in the AIDS era, when all of us, especially Africans, need access to
essential HIV services… No one chooses to be gay. Sexual
orientation, like skin colour, is another feature of our diversity as a
human family. ”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, March 2010
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