Why are Ghanaian women switching men for women?
I know that I am going to get in trouble for writing this piece. I truly do! Some would call for my head after reading it. Others would accuse me of blasphemy. I do understand! I would be a fool not to. Certain topics, however, cannot be discussed in private. They're better left discussed in public. I believe that this particular topic calls for public discussion. Hence, my decision to write it. It's my hope and belief that we all benefit from it. At least, somehow. So, let's begin, shall we? A couple of years ago, Ms Oprah Winfrey did a show on down-low sisters. I am sure that most of you are familiar with the expression. Down-low has a broader meaning! It could mean keeping things cemented. It could also mean acting in a hush. In a relationship, down-low simply means; a heterosexual who practices homosexuality in secret. It could also mean the opposite, of course! In this case, it would be a homosexual doing the opposite in secret.
Anyway, back to the show in question. There were exactly four guests on the show. Each one of these four women were happily married. At least, so they seemed to their friends and families. In their private lives, however, none of them were. It was a different story altogether! All four of them were cheating on their husbands. To be precise, cheating on their husbands with other women. What everybody wanted to know was; why and how long they had been cheating? So, Ms Oprah Winfrey posed the question. One of the four guests opened up. She told Ms Oprah that in her twenty-years of marriage to her husband, not once did she experience an orgasm. Her husband did all the coming, not her! On numerous occasions, she told her husband to practice oral sex on her so that she could come. In return, her husband told her that oral sex was unbiblical. Though, he was receiving oral sex from her on weekly basis. So, she made a decision, albeit painful, to cheat on him.
"But, why did you go for a woman instead of a man?" Oprah queried. "Ms Oprah, all the men are the same," she replied. "They are selfish, when it comes to sex." The three other guests had similar stories to tell! Their sex lives were miserable with their husbands. Hence, their decisions to stray. Hence, their decisions to experiment with the same gender. "Guest nr 1, how long have you been cheating on your husband?" "I started two years ago," the lady replied. "Any plans to tell your husband the truth?" Oprah queried. "I hope that he is watching the show," she replied. "So, where do you go from here?" "I don't know, Ms Oprah." The other guests were asked the same question. Three of them said that they were filing for divorce. They were ready to move on and start a new life with their girlfriends. They've had enough of men! To tell the truth, I was dumb-struck after watching the show. I didn't know what to say! So, I said nothing.
Some time ago, a friend of mine visited Ghana for the second time. Upon his return, he told me that Ghana has become very modern. This was during Kufour's administration! I asked him; what made you arrive at this conclusion? I, for one, don’t believe that Ghana is modern. Let me get that off my chest. The country has a long way to go, in that respect! "Well, the sight of dykes were too many to count," he said. For those of you who don't know, a dyke is used as a disparaging term for a lesbian. I told him; “if this is true, then Ghanaian men should be held accountable. They aren't performing their duties right. I mean, their bedroom duties. It’s that simple!” Every now and then, a man shouldn’t be afraid to use his tongue if or when necessary. To me, it’s all part of the experience! It’s called the art of making love. Kamasutra! A man who doesn’t like the taste of a woman’s vulva isn’t a man. Thus, undeserving of a woman’s respect. Yes, you heard me. I said it. So, go ahead. Sue me!
Welcome 2 the New age of consciousness!
Source: The Emperor
Interesting views on oral sex. Human papilloma viruses is the leading cause of mouth cancer. Good luck!