
Showing posts from October, 2011

Fwd: [RectalMicro IRMA] Historic vote extends EU asylum standards to transgender people

You are receiving this email because you are a member of the cause Support decriminalisation of Homosexuality at UN!. To stop receiving emails from this cause, leave the cause .   Historic vote extends EU asylum standards to transgender people Spread the word. Every invitation counts: Invite Friends Today the European Parliament formally adopted a new set of asylum rules for the European Union. The binding rules now include gender identity as a ground of persecution, which EU Member States must take into account. Governments have already agreed to the changes, which are final. Until now, EU asylum law foresaw that "gender related aspects might be considered" by national asylum authorities when examining the potential persecution of specific social groups in their country of origin. The resolution adopted today has replaced this text, and now specifies t...

Fw: Front Line Defenders Electronic Press Release on Abdulhadi Al Khawaja

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Appeal to Court of Cassation Filed in Abdulhadi Al Khawaja's Case in Bahrain Front Line Defenders Demands Immediate Release of Abdulhadi Al Khawaja From Detention Dublin, Ireland, October 27, 2011 – As lethal force and suppression by security forces continue to be used against civilian protesters in Bahrain, the legal proceedings involving human rights defender Abdulhadi Al Khawaja move to the Court of Cassation. Today, Abdulhadi's lawyers filed an appeal to the Court to apply for a legal review of the proceedings of the National Safety Court, which sentenced Abdulhadi to life in prison, despite a patently unfair trial and without minimum provisions for his lawyer to defend him. Front Line Defenders renews its call to the Bahraini authorities to release Abdulhadi Al Khawaja and other human rights defenders from detention pending the legal review and to drop the charges against Abdulhadi Abdulhadi Al Khawaja was one of 21 human...

Coalition against Homophobia calls for all inclusive HIV education

Human Rights of most-at risk population in Ghana have been a challenge for in the past and continue to be a challenge even with the increase in funding targeting these groups. Though there are services and programs going on targeting these populations, there are several gaps that continuously affect these programs. Few of such gaps are captured in a statement issued by the Coalition Against Homophobia in Ghana (CAHG) Please read the full text below; Accra 4th October, 2011. The Coalition Against Homophobia in Ghana (CAHG) is deeply concerned about a statement issued by the Ghana Aids Commission (GAC), captured by the Daily Guide on Friday 3rd June 2011. This statement was only recently brought to the attention of CAHG members. The statement was headed “AIDS Commission Monitors Gays”, according to the newspaper, “in reaction to reports of gay activities”. In the statement, Dr. Angela El-Adas, Director General of GAC, said that the MSM (men having sex with men) situation in Ghana was ...